Forgive the slight delay. Life got a little crazy and sometimes I need to step away from blogging about things and gather my thoughts, and emotions. We learned about a new health issue while we were here, which sent me spiraling a bit.
First things first. So after keeping her up all night, they came in to do these tests that can help trigger seizure activity.
One is blowing this pinwheel....
Next is this strobe light.....
Unfortunately the test didn't work as good as it should because due to a series of errors, they didn't come do the tests until almost 2pm and she had been asleep for hours.
( Yes, super frustrating )
Then after this its just sitting... lots of sitting.
Thankfully she had some good moments.
They have a thing where people can email messages and they print them out and bring them in. She was so excited to read all of the sweet messages.
She got a Hedgehog Beanie baby ( She LOVES Hedgehogs )
I took a break from the room for a few minutes to go eat lunch at the Parents room
A group of awesome boys came from Idaho with lunch ( there were a bunch of other sides too #stupiddiet lol ) . They also brought a ton of snacks and drinks , fresh fruit and other things from the wish list for one of the boys Eagle Scout Project

One of her big sisters came to hang out with her :)
Dad came and did some science with her using this cool snap circuit kit I found!
The hospital plays games every day. For the kids that cannot leave their room, they broadcast it on the TV. She absolutely loved this!
Then if you get BINGO you call and they bring you prizes!
So overall for her it was a pretty good day!
For me.... thats another story... For tomorrow...